How customizable is the ‘Next Reminder Date’ ?


The reminders sent from the EPC Application – I see only a date which can be updated here. Can we not choose the next reminder date based on frequency? Like – Once a week, twice a month, once a month etc?

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Posée le 2 février 2021 6:18 am
Public question
Private answer

The option to change the frequency of reminders has been added within the upcoming 12.3 release!  You can change the reminders from being set daily to weekly, monthly, etc.

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Réponse du 16 février 2021 11:59 am
Private answer

As of now, we do not have an option to choose a frequency/time-period. But, this is already in the backlog and will be added in the future releases.

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Réponse du 12 février 2021 6:23 am
Private answer

Yes - We can choose a date now. Post that date, the EPC Application will start sending the reminders. Note that the date will be automatically updated every day.

Hence, post that date - 1 notification will be triggered from the system every day. At the end of the day, the date will automatically update to the next day. Then, another notification will be triggered on that day.

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Réponse du 12 février 2021 6:23 am