GOAL not appearing in generated SOP


The GOAL of a Process is not appearing in the generated SOP. The EPC Application seems to give it a miss. Is it possible to display it?

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Posée le 31 mai 2021 1:07 am
Public question
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By default, the GOAL is not present in the SOP template. Please use the below in the section where you intend to display the GOAL.

{#hasGoal}@@rtf:goal:{nodeId}@@{/hasGoal}{^hasGoal}None defined{/hasGoal}

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Réponse du 31 mai 2021 1:09 am
Private answer

Please note that all attributes within all modules are available within object books.  You simply need to add the tags (found within the payload documentation) for the attribute you want to be displayed within your template.

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Réponse du 1 juin 2021 2:10 pm