What are the basic differences between an Endorsement Cycle and Approval Cycle?


I see 2  cycles inside the EPC Application – Endorsement Cycle and Approval Cycle. What are the basic differences between the 2? In real-life business scenarios, can you let me know in which particular business scenario both of them should be used?

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Asked on 2 February 2021 6:16 am
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The one major difference is - The result of an endorsement cycle will not affect the outcome of the process flow. But, if an approval cycle fails, the process will not be published.


In endorsement cycle, the sender can really understand who all endorse the process along with him. It is generally used to obtain peer opinion. However, in Approval - Without the approval of the approvers, the process flow will have to end abruptly.

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Answered on 12 February 2021 6:25 am