What are major differences between Endorsement Cycle and Approval Cycle?


Inside the EPC Application, I see 2 types of Cycles – Approval Cycle and Endorsement Cycle.

What is the major difference between the 2? In real-life Business application, in which scenario can both be used?

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Asked on 26 January 2021 5:07 am
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Approval cycles often involve multiple individuals before changes can be implemented. This is often the case as business activities that are subject to change may affect multiple different roles and resources, requiring their consent prior to change. These approval cycles can vary depending on the organization, and the importance of the request being made. As such, the EPC supports both parallel and serial approval cycles.

Endorsement cycles often involve multiple individuals before changes can be implemented. This is often the case as business activities that are analyzed from different vantage points and subject to change may require multiple edits before producing a finalized result. Serving as an additional method for review, the endorsement cycle generally precedes an approval cycle; endorsers collaborate on a business activity to generate an error-proof version of an activity. Additionally, as the endorsement cycle progresses, a user with the appropriate level of security may stop the cycle at any point in time (e.g., after any given iteration).

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Answered on 27 January 2021 10:48 am