PREVIEW button does not appear for PDF files


I am using the latest version of Google Chrome browser. The PREVIEW button (Eye Icon) does not appear for me specifically to PDF files. Note that I have the right permisssions on the Document. I can download the document. Also, for other types of documents, I can see the PREVIEW button.

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Asked on 26 July 2023 1:07 am
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Private answer

This could be happening because of a browser setting in Google Chrome. There is a specific setting in Chrome which allows User to choose the default action for PDF file. If it is set to download, then the PREVIEW icon may be missing. Try using a different browser. Or, if you have the permissions, you can change it in Chrome.


Find below the procedure to do so.

  1. Go to Chrome Settings
  2. Then Privacy and Security
  3. Select Site Settings
  4. Expand Additional Content Settings
  5. Choose PDF
  6. Check in 'Open PDFs in Chrome'

Henceforth, you should be able to see the PREVIEW icon.

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Answered on 26 July 2023 1:11 am