How can I update the SSL certificate in EPC Application?

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Asked on 3 July 2023 3:52 am
Public question
Private answer

CSR may come from any place, but you have to make sure you also have the private key(without passphrase).
On the EPC server in the directory /volumes/waf/ssl are two files: cert.pem and key.pem
To update the SSL certificate:
1. Backup the files cert.pem and key.pem
2. replace the content of the key.pem with the new private key
3. replace the content of the cert.pem with the new certificate (chain).
The cert.pem file should contain the final certificate on top of the file, followed by the intermediate certificate and at the end the root certificate (same structure as it is now).
After replacing the file contents, restart the waf container:
docker restart $(docker -ps -aqf name=waf)

Check the log for waf if the server is not reachable in 1 minute:

docker logs $(docker -ps -aqf name=waf)

The exception at the end will reveal the reason.

Replace the files cert.pem and key.pem from backup if unable to resolve the issue.

restart the waf container:
docker restart $(docker -ps -aqf name=waf)

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Answered on 3 July 2023 3:52 am