Can we import a folder of documents?

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Posted by unknown
Asked on 8 September 2022 2:32 pm
Public question
Private answer

Yes - It is possible to Import a Document Folder.

You can do it either as a Sub-Folder under an existing Document Folder, or you can also try it under a Document Set.


  1. Navigate to a Document Set or Document Folder
  2. Click on DETAILS tab
  3. Click on the drop-down 'NEW'
  4. Choose 'Upload Folder'
  5. Select the Folder which you would like to Upload. Note that all Documents housed by it will also be uploaded.


On the other hand, you can just right-click on a Document Folder or Document Set from the 'Document Explorer Tree' in the left hand side and choose 'Upload Folder'.


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Answered on 9 September 2022 12:58 am