What are the basic differences between an Endorsement Cycle and Approval Cycle?


I see 2  cycles inside the EPC Application – Endorsement Cycle and Approval Cycle. What are the basic differences between the 2? In real-life business scenarios, can you let me know in which particular business scenario both of them should be used?

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Asked on 2 February 2021 6:16 am
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The one major difference between endorsement and approval is - Suppose an approver rejects the cycle, the entire process will be rejected. And User will not be able to publish the object.

However, even if an Endorser rejects the cycle, it will be active and User will be able to publish the process. Endorsement cycle is pretty lenient in this way. It is just like collecting the opinion of the Endorsers.

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Answered on 30 March 2021 7:16 am