Should I associate objects to processes or their flow objects?

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I am wondering if I should be associating KPIs and risks to processes or their child flow objects. Any pointers on when to use which option?

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Asked on 28 January 2021 5:29 pm
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It truly depends on what you are trying to achieve and what the nature of the object is. For instance, if you merely want to mention that a risk is present in process X, then associate it to the process. If you have the luxury of knowing where specifically (a specific task or area in a subprocess), then associate it to the object(s).


EPC's reporting engine includes a Process Risk Assessment Report (see attached) that will produce a view that includes all risks tied to the process itself or any of its children. There are also others for Performance management and so on.


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Answered on 28 January 2021 5:49 pm